
  • Peter Pavel Klasinc International institut of archival science Trieste/Maribor



archival science, definition, redefinition, relations, archival studies


In this paper the author is convinced that today is the time when archival science can be defined in detail or even redefined. In professional archival literature we can find many definitions of archival science, which we can accept or take knowledge of without problems. If we analyze these definitions, we will, as a result, determine whether these definitions are still really appropriate for present time.
The new definition of archival science was primarily referred to by the results of the preparation of materials for the accreditation of study programs in archival science (Ist degree - Bachelor's degree), archival science and records management (2nd degree - master of archival science and documentology) and archival science (3rd degree-doctor of archival science) at Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor.
The author in this paper is trying to redefine the basic definition of archival science. Therefore, the author makes the following statement: "Archival science is an independent, academic, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science".
Historical overview of definitions is interesting because of the prespectives it gives on archival science. Often, archival science relies on historical or social sciences, and recently to information science.


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