Identity in Intergenerational Communication
intergenerational communication, identity, stereotypes, patronising talk, overaccommodationAbstract
The article presents several aspects of communication, especially between generations. Underlining the informational and relational aspects of communication, it presents the communication process as a field in which identities are constructed. Individuals constantly classify themselves and others into groups, establishing relationships which reflect the characteristics of the statuses ascribed. The paper presents the misunderstandings which occur in intergenerational communication, explains the role played by stereotypes and negative attitudes to aging in the formation of the identities ascribed, and explores how these identities may affect the communication processes and interpersonal relationships, which are built by and through communication. Of special importance are the manifestations of ageism in everyday interactions (patronising talk, particularly overaccommodation and secondary baby talk): manifestations based upon stereotypes concerning ‘older people’, as a segment of the population is discriminatorily categorised.
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