Radio Libere: An Experiment with Radio Broadcasting in Italy


  • Gita Zadnikar Alma Mater Europaea – Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Slovenia



radio, radio stations, social movements, Italy


The 1970s expansion of free radio stations throughout Europe and the experiences of that movement over the following years encouraged diverse reflections on, and experiments with, the ways of using media and new technologies. Of course the experience of Radio Alice and other free radio stations in the Italy of the late 1970s only became possible when the radio as a communication tool became affordable and technically accessible to a new social subject – the student movement and social movements predominantly consisting of young people. What left the deepest mark on the period, however, was a fundamental change in the attitude of social and political movements to the media.


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Original scientific article

How to Cite

Radio Libere: An Experiment with Radio Broadcasting in Italy. (2015). Monitor ISH, 17(2), 7-24.