Europocentric Dominance of the West over the East


  • Maja Pucelj Alma Mater Europaea – Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Nadja Furlan Štante UP SRC



Eurocentrism, West, East, Muslims, distribution of power, superiority, Crusades, Colonialism, Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism


This paper presents an overview of the chosen historical events that led to the current distribution of the power between the two diametric poles - the West and the East, and consequently contributed to a negative evaluation of the Muslims and stereotyping them as others. Eurocentric mentality became even more evident during the time of the modern migrations, by which we primarily have in mind the influx of the refugees and migrants mainly from the Middle East and North Africa, which occurred in the recent years. The contribution highlights the exceptional importance of the historical events that led up to the fact that the Muslims, who live in the West, as well as refugees and migrants, which came from the Middle East and North Africa in recent years, are perceived as others in the West, are strongly negatively evaluated and are faced with the rise of the hate speech, Islamophobia and difficulties in order to integrate into society.


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Review article

How to Cite

Europocentric Dominance of the West over the East. (2017). Monitor ISH, 19(2), 135-156.