‘Give Us Bread! Make Peace!’ Hinterland of the (Isonzo) Front, Food Shortage and the Consequences of Revolutionary Events in Russia


  • Petra Testen Koren Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts




home front, food shortage, protests, declaration movement


In the hinterland of the Isonzo Front, at the home front, the war was felt particularly through the shortage of food, through hunger. This burden necessarily fell on women, who had to feed themselves and their families. In this case, too, women were expected to act heroically and patriotically, to skimp and save and make sacrifices. In the last war years women became increasingly loud and demonstrated in the streets, demanding ‘bread’ as well as ‘peace’. In Slovenia they flocked to join the declaration movement. For a better tomorrow they demanded rights ‘for the nation’, and voices were even heard in favour of women’s political rights.


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Original scientific article

How to Cite

‘Give Us Bread! Make Peace!’ Hinterland of the (Isonzo) Front, Food Shortage and the Consequences of Revolutionary Events in Russia. (2018). Monitor ISH, 20(1), 95-121. https://doi.org/10.33700/1580-7118.20.1.95-121(2018)