Russian Revolution and the International Legal System
Russian revolution, liberalism, League of Nations, Pashukanis, international law, Marxism, human rights, prohibition of aggressive warAbstract
Two potent ideologies came to loggerheads after WWI: communism, which rose to the fore after the Russian revolution, and the so far dominant liberalism. At first glance the two ideologies share surprisingly similar views on the fundamental questions of the international legal system. But a more thorough look at the development of the Soviet doctrine of international law reveals some fundamental differences. The goal of the Russian revolution was to set up a worldwide socialist society, with the working class given a dominant role. This goal dissolved after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, it is possible to identify in the international legal system a positive and still valid legacy of the Russian revolution, such as the principle of the self-determination of nations, the concept of economic, social and cultural rights, the principle of public conclusion of treaties, the prohibition of aggressive war, as well as a polycentric view of the world structure.
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