Words Instruct, Illustrations Lead: The National Question after the October Revolution


  • Tomaž Ivešić European University Institute, Department of History and Civilization




nationalism, communism, Korenizatsiya, national question, Bolsheviks


The paper focuses on the development of Marxist-Leninist views on the phenomenon of nationalism and on the evolution of nations. The germs of the idea of a socialist nationality can be found already before WWI. After the October Revolution, the Stalinist practice of solving the national question was marked by the process of Korenizatsiya: the Bolsheviks emphasised the nationalities in the Soviet Union, hoping that this would accelerate the transition to socialism. This policy was likewise adopted in Yugoslavia during and immediately after WWII.


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Original scientific article

How to Cite

Words Instruct, Illustrations Lead: The National Question after the October Revolution. (2018). Monitor ISH, 20(1), 33-49. https://doi.org/10.33700/1580-7118.20.1.33-49(2018)