Ethnic and Linguistic Interactions of Adolescents at School Center Velenje
adolescents, ethnic identity, language usage, social stratificationAbstract
A case study of urban and home anthropology, the paper examines the adolescents at School Center Velenje. They seem to be increasingly slipping from clearly defined ethnicities into another, intermediate or liminal, ethnicity, turning into cultural amphibians with hybrid identities. Our quantitative and qualitative research, i.e. a survey and (half)structured interviews, have confirmed the stereotypes which we have encountered. The survey, conducted with all the students at School Center Velenje (1,637 out of the 1,800 students), is represented by graphs, which show their perception of and attitude to ethnicity, identity, religion, as well as their linguistic adjustment in various social spheres, which is based on pragmatism and flexibility in frequent double bind situations. The study sheds light on the links and differences between the ethnic groups at School Center Velenje, enriching the theory of adolescents’ identities in a multiethnic class with the insight that all ethnic groups involved are coming to adopt new, multiethnic, cosmopolitan identities.
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