Adopt a Record: a Shared and Participated Project Model Concerning the Legal Protection and the Communication of the State Archives of Genoa Holdings


  • Bruna La Sorda National Association of Italian Archivists (ANAI)



State Archives of Genoa, Italy, legal protection, restoration, mould


The purpose of the report is to make the international archival community aware of the creative project of the State Archives of Genoa as an example of communication and legal protection of records through the active involvement of citizens, associations, private institutions and companies. The project started in 2008 and was designed to remedy the lack or the insufficiency of ministerial funds to be devoted to restoration, drawing on public attention a small part of medieval documentation concerning Ancient Republic of Genoa. The purpose of the project is focused on the need to repair the considerable damages caused by inactive moulds or by nonprofessional restoration work of the past. The genesis, the achievement of the project and the retrieval of Genoese community will be illustrated.


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MiBACT, Archivio di Stato Genova, sito di riferimento (ultimo accesso 27.04.2106)

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How to Cite

Adopt a Record: a Shared and Participated Project Model Concerning the Legal Protection and the Communication of the State Archives of Genoa Holdings. (2016). Atlanti, 26(2), 189-196.