Using Archives in the Czech Republic as an Important Formative Factor of Historical Awareness and a Means of Providing Publicity For Archives: Archival Exhibitions


  • Marie Ryantová The Institute of Archival Science and Auxiliary Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Arts at the South Bohemian University in České Budějovice



Czech Republic, Using Archives, Archival Exhibitions, the National Archives, the Ntional Museum Archives, the Archives of the City of Prague


Besides using archives for the scientific, economic or economic-operational, legal and administrative purposes, also cultural and educational, or political purposes play an important part. The special archival exhibitions belong (beside the lectures) to the most interesting and attractive forms of the using archives already since the 50‘s of the 20th century - both, the greatest and as well as quite small in the individual archives, use the richness of the row of archives. The new archives buildings in the Czech Republic with the exhibition rooms or at least the showcases give a suitable opportunity for it also. The archival exhibitions have even specific financial and personal requirements, but serve also to propagate the archives and have an invaluable significance for the formation of historical awareness in both nationwide and regional scale.


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How to Cite

Using Archives in the Czech Republic as an Important Formative Factor of Historical Awareness and a Means of Providing Publicity For Archives: Archival Exhibitions. (2016). Atlanti, 26(2), 171-180.