The Diverse Use of Archives of the Third Branch of State Power


  • Jelka Melik Ministry of culture, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Mateja Jeraj Ministry of culture, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia



archival records, the judiciary, the third branch of state power, archives, scientific research, court records, court administration, legal interest


The basic idea of the classic doctrine of separation of powers in the modern world, both in the legislative and executive branches of the state power, exceeded. Among all branches, in the judicial there were the least changes. Its role is becoming the most significant because of the control over the executive (administrative courts) and the legislative branch (Constitutional Justice). Because of this fact, archival records of the third branch of government are very important and irreplaceable in identifying and researching the past, searching and protecting the rights of natural and legal persons and solving professional issues. Judicial power is implemented primarily by courts, which are bound only by the law. Although they are state institutions, they are in general independent from the other branches of government, of the legislative with executive branch. Court‘s decisions directly affect the rights of different individuals and resolve disputes that arise between them. The most important juridical archives are court records, which are an important source for scientific research, legislation, literature and publications.


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How to Cite

The Diverse Use of Archives of the Third Branch of State Power. (2016). Atlanti, 26(2), 143-152.