Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives


  • Ana-Felicia Diaconu Faculty of Archival Science



training, education, archivist, Romania, electronic archives


The profession of archivist is part of the regulated professions in Romania which implies setting up the responsibilities specific to the profession by the regulatory authority, i.e. the Romanian National Archives. This reality overlaps its own functioning law, which imposes the National Archives` mission and precise responsibilities. This paper envisages the way in which the training of archivists is carried out in Romania starting from the legal framework governing the profession, the content of the professional standard for the archival profession, and continuing with those developments in the Romanian contemporary society which clearly indicate the need to establish a training programme adapted to the current requirements of the profession.


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How to Cite

Training of Archivists in Romania: Challenges, Limits and Perspectives. (2017). Atlanti, 27(2), 79-86.