Consulting Archives: Contribution to the Discussion Based on Experience of Croatian State Archives


  • Živana Heđbeli State archive in Zagreb, Croatia



Archives, users, Croatia, administration


Aim of this paper is to give, based on experience of Croatian state archive, contribution to the discussion on consultation of archival records. Methodology usual for social sciences is used. Rules that stipulate records consultation are described and statistical data presented. 12.090 users, or 0,28% of all Croatian population, had consulted archival records, held by archive, in the year 2014 in Croatia. Rules and theirs execution have essential impact on number of users. Increased number of users in regional state archives in the beginning of second decade of this century is basically outcome of new laws related to denationalization and legalization of real estates. Archives even now do not have sufficient human and other resources not even to perform theirs basic tasks such as records arrangement. Consultation of archival records unavoidable reveals weakness on an archives or archival service regarding theirs prior tasks - protection, processing, and arrangement of records. One of the possible solutions of the archives’ crises, in a poor country in transition, is return of archives under the auspices of administration, and archives that work for the purpose of efficient governance.


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How to Cite

Consulting Archives: Contribution to the Discussion Based on Experience of Croatian State Archives. (2016). Atlanti, 26(2), 35-45.