Dematerializing Administrative Procedures and not Just Documents: The Project for Modification of the Document Flows of the University of Udine


  • Stefano Allegrezza University of Udine



archives, records management, digitization, administrative proceedings, workflow management system


The paper is conceptually divided into two parts. The first part examines the issues of simplification and dematerialisation of administrative procedures showing how the only dematerialization of the documentation does not produce concrete and tangible results, as confirmed by the example presented in section 2, so widespread in the public sector as it is paradoxical. Then the errors that typically occur when you start a project of simplification and dematerialization are illustrated and the regulatory framework in Italy with particular reference to the so called “farewell to paper” that was scheduled to begin on August 12, 2016 is analysed. In the second part of the paper a project for simplification and dematerialisation of proceedings for the drafting and signing of the Rector’s decrees and executive measures by the University of Udine is presented which came to a successful conclusion using a document management system integrated in the management information system of documents.


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How to Cite

Dematerializing Administrative Procedures and not Just Documents: The Project for Modification of the Document Flows of the University of Udine. (2017). Atlanti, 27(1), 79-90.