The Archivist Between His Duty to Communicate and the Obligation to Protect
archives, obligation, communication, personal dataAbstract
Information is an essential and unavoidable fact both in terms of the development of individuals’ leadership and the emergence of companies and societies we’re living in as well. All activities revolve around data and information created or received. These different natural or legal persons aspire to faster access to information. To this end, information and communication technologies are increasingly being used for so-called free access information and need for documentary information managers (archivists, librarians and documentalists) for information related to institutions also increases. With regard to the latter type of information contained in documents held by public administrations, more and more users are wanting to access it, almost without delay, lying on their right to information. However, this consecrated right is not without restriction. These restrictions are linked, among other things to the safety of the state and to the protection of privacy. In this context, the guarantors of the institutional memory that are the archivists, are facing a dilemma: to communicate information to users while ensuring the protection of the privacy of citizens.
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Loi n.10-2004/AN du 20 avril 2004 portant protection des données à caractère personnel. Promulguée par le Décret n.2004-224/PRES du 09 juin 2004. JO n. 26 du 24 juin 2004 ; page 830 à 836.
Loi n. 045-2009/AN du 10 novembre 2009 portant réglementation des services et des transactions électroniques au Burkina Faso. Promulguée par le Décret n. 2009-824/PRES du 04 décembre 2009. JO n.01 du 07 janvier 2010; page 5430 à 5449.
Loi n. 051-2015/CNT du 30 août 2015 portant droit d’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs.
Ouangré, Z. Tamboura, D. «La formation des archivistes, des bibliothécaires et des documentalistes au Burkina Faso.» Documentation et bibliothèques 612-3: pp. 114–116. DOI:10.7202/1032817ar.