Personal Data Protection and Access to Archives in Ukraine: From the National and International Perspective
personal data protection, General Data Protection Regulation, Ukraine, archival law, access to informationAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation, which came into force on May 25, 2018, on the territory of the member states of the European Union, in comparison with the legislation on personal data that operates in Ukraine. The following basic concepts such as “personal data”, “personal data bases”, “information protection”, “the right to access to information”, “the right to erasure” are considered. Special attention is paid to the activities of archives in collecting, processing, storing and providing access to documents that contain personal information. It is analyzed the Laws of Ukraine “On Information”, “On Protection of Personal Data”, “On Access to Public Information”, “On the National Archival Fond and Archival Institutions”. It has been pointed out that the GDPR has very important value for European socio-political and economic life, for working out data protection standards and a new international privacy protection framework.
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