Public Interest to Personal Data: Online Databases of Russian Archives
access to archives, archives of the Ministry of defense of Russia, data protection, OBD “Memorial”, online databases of archives, personal data, victims of World War IIAbstract
The article describes the difficult choice between public and personal interests which the archivists have to make while providing access to archival documents with personal information. A special attention is given to creation of databases, which facilitate the search for information, but being accessible to the unlimited number of users may cause distress or damage to the data subject or to his/her relatives. By the example of the united open access data bank “Memorial” of the Russian Ministry of defense, it is demonstrated how different the conception of data protection law and archival legislation can be, depending on the circumstances. The imperfection of the legislation which creates many problems for archives gives them at the same time more possibilities for the realization of their social, cultural and educational functions.
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