New Archival Legislation: the Witch Hunt
Croatia, archives, act, personal data, human rightsAbstract
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 entered in force in Croatia on May 25, 2018. General Data Protection Regulation regulations still have to be applied. On June 29, 2018 the Croatian Parliament has proclaimed Law on Archives and Archival Records. Personal data of the persons that filled public posts and were members or collaborate of the security services till the May 30, 1990 are accessible without any restrictions regarding the part on performing duties or services. In Croatia there is no person that has been subject to trial only because he/she filled public posts and was members or collaborates of the security services during the socialism. There is no law that will make such trials possible. There are no official registers, released by the competent bodies, which list public officers, members or collaborates of the security service till the May 30, 1990. The unavoidable question arises regarding what criteria archivist should use to determine these persons, where to find relevant data. Why a task that is not and should not be competence of an archive is enforced on archives.
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