Private Archives in the Czech Republic


  • Marie Ryantová he Institute of Archival Science and Auxiliary Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Arts at the South Bohemian University in České Budějovice



Czech Republic, Private Archives, Archive legislation, Accreditation of archives, Public archives, State archives, Archives of Church Institutions, Family (aristocratic) archives, Personal archives, Deposit agreement, National Archival Heritage


Although private archives are among the most important and often the oldest (e.g., church, aristocratic archives), they are currently a specific group in the Czech Republic. According to the current law, private archives are archives established by natural or legal persons, while they may act as self-contained archives if they achieved the accreditation granted by the Department of Archival Administration of the Ministry of the Interior. The granting of accreditation presupposes the fulfilment of a number of conditions. Currently there are only 11 accredited private archives in the Czech Republic. The accreditation is not mandatory, the other possibility is to take over the private archives into care of their owners, or to deposit these on the basis of a custody agreement in the state archives (which is rather often used). The state archives even perform over both self-contained private archives and the archives administrated by their owners the mandatory supervision.


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Act - The Archives and Records Service Act No. 499/2004 Collection of Laws of the Czech republic.

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