Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era


  • Maryna Paliienko Department of Archival Studies and Special Historical Disciplines, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



archives, archival training, Ukraine, history, information technologies


The article it devoted to analysis of the new trends in the archival education in Ukraine connecting with evolution of society and archives in information era. The author explores the models of archival education in Ukraine in a context of a new archival paradigm. Special attention is given to the activity of the Archival Studies Department at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv which offers a distinctive training program on archival theory, history and methodology as well as on Source Studies and Auxiliary Sciences of History. However, the challenges of a new information era led to the establishment in some centers for records managers’ training. Nowadays educators and archivists recognize the necessity of modernizing archival training programs, bringing them to the contemporary needs and archival practice. The author offers her view on getting balance between History, Memory, and Informational Technologies at the Archival Studies’ curricula.


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How to Cite

Archival Studies in Ukraine: Between Tradition and Challenges of Information Era. (2017). Atlanti, 27(2), 181-188.