Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected


  • Magdalena Marosz The National Archives in Krakow



archival training, archival education, professional competence, info brokering


Over the 21st century, the model of professional competence of the archivist will certainly be changing and evolving. Competence, namely is the combination of knowledge and skills which enable the archivist to carry out the assigned tasks efficiently and effectively. These tasks, expected in the perspective of several decades are not quite possible to be predicted today. Undoubtedly now, and in the future even more, we should focus on training the present archivists and educating the future ones in the field of information management, data processing and secure storage of widely understood electronic documentation. So, are we going to witness a gradual evolution of the profession of an archivist towards the information manager, info broker, or a specialist in modern technology? Judging by the changes in the study programs for future archivists, it is highly probable. For the time being, these changes are being introduced quite slowly, at individual universities, but still, they determine a certain direction in education. We should also consider the methodology and standards of dealing with archival resources and the needs in this field, resulting from the changes which are happening now, and the expected ones, caused by the emergence of new techniques and technologies.


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How to Cite

Professional Competence of an Archivist: Changes that Can Be Expected. (2017). Atlanti, 27(2), 149-153.