Archivists and 21st Century: How Ready Are Archivists for the Achievements of 21st Century


  • Branka Doknić Archives of Yugoslavia



XXI century, modern technology, marketing, science, archivists, cultural heritage, the Archives of Yugoslavia


The century that we live in provides endless scientific and technological possibilities that could be used to improve archival science and practice. The question is how ready archivists for challenges of XXI century are. Firsthand experience indicates that among all employees working in the sector of cultural heritage, archivists are last to accept technological innovations. Modern archives need educated archivists completing the highest level of education with additional and permanent participation in the workshops, courses and international conferences.


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Hobsbaum, Erik (2014). Kraj kulture, Beograd, Arhipelag.

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Doknić, Branka (2016). Valorizacija arhivske građe kao kulturne baštine, U: Arhivska građa u teoriji i praksi, str. 10-20, zbornik, Tara, 2016, Beograd: Arhivističko društvo Srbije.

Molnar, Klod (2000). Kulturni inženjering, Beograd, Clio.

MAS -Međunarodni kongres arhiva 2016. Kominike -Arhivi, harmonija i prijateljstvo: održavanje duha Seula. U: Arhiv XVII,1/2, Beograd: Arhiv Jugoslavije.

Berk, Piter (2010). Osnovi kulturne istorije, Beograd.

Šešić Dragićević M. Stojković B. (2011). Kultura- menadžment, marketing, animacija, Beograd.

Doknić, Branka (2009). Uloga arhiviste u instituciji kulturne baštine, U: Tehnički in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, str. 133–140, Maribor: Pokrajinski arhiv.

MAS - Strateški pravac 2008.-2018., U: Arhiv IX,1/2, Arhiv Jugoslavije, Beograd.




How to Cite

Archivists and 21st Century: How Ready Are Archivists for the Achievements of 21st Century. (2017). Atlanti, 27(2), 133-138.