Certification and Trusted Digital Repositories: the Role of Standards and Policies


  • Maria Guercio Sapienza University of Rome




digital preservation, digital repository, certification, policy, information governance, OAIS


The contribution discusses digital preservation issues with specific reference to the role of standards and policies relevant for digital repositories certification and auditing. The analysis will focus on the OAIS reference model and related standards at the basis of ISO 16363 and ISO 16919, their evolution in the last decade and the critical aspects still open (such as the development of accreditation bodies and the level of parameters for metrics and assessment). The role of policies for digital preservation is also examined as output from international research (InterPARES and APARSEN) and in the Italian legislation, briefly described as a case study.


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How to Cite

Certification and Trusted Digital Repositories: the Role of Standards and Policies. (2015). Atlanti, 25(1), 245-255. https://doi.org/10.33700/2670-451X.25.1.245-255(2015)