Management, Appraisal and Long Term Preservation of E-records: Role of Archivists and IT Professionals


  • Aida Škoro Babić Archives of the Republic of Slovenia



e-archives, archival science, archivists, appraisal


In the process of creating records the role of IT professionals in present time increased, especially if we compare the role of IT professionals in record management and preservation of not born digital records. The author will try to define the role of archivists in the process of creating, managing, appraising and preserving e-records, as well as the role of IT professionals in the same process. Definition of both will be specified through analysing the processes in life of e-records and what professional and scientific approaches are necessary for long-term preservation of e-records. Through this analyse the author will try to specify what knowledge of both professions are actually necessary in the specific period in life of e-record and to emphasize the need of educating IT professionals in the field of basics of archival science to reach the goal of e-archives according to archival standards and principles.


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How to Cite

Management, Appraisal and Long Term Preservation of E-records: Role of Archivists and IT Professionals. (2015). Atlanti, 25(1), 217-224.