Management, Appraisal and Preservation of Electronic Records: the Belarusian Experience


  • Andrei Rybakou Belarusian Research Institute for Documentation and Archival Science (BelNIIDAD), Belarus



electronic record, record in electronic form, records management, appraisal, storage


The article is devoted to the new challenges that archives faced during the last twenty years: how to manage E-records, what are the principles and criteria of their appraisal, how to transfer the most valuable E-records to archives and to insure their long-term preservation. The author discovers the solutions of the mentioned problems implemented in the national legislation, reveals the techniques and practices used. In spite of the huge number of legislative acts the problems still remain. The author notes that archivists in their work with Erecords strongly depend upon the hardware and software used for creating and operating E-records, but that does not mean they should stay outside the process. They should feel free to state their demands and to warn about the danger of loss of documents and information if ignored. The quality solutions of the problems are possible only on the basis of close cooperation of records managers, archivists and specialists in the sphere of information technologies.


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How to Cite

Management, Appraisal and Preservation of Electronic Records: the Belarusian Experience. (2015). Atlanti, 25(1), 61-70.