Public Use of Rare Archives and Valuable Library Documents


  • Jozef Hanus Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Slovak Republic
  • Emília Hanusová University Library Bratislava, Slovak Republic



rare documents, public use, exhibition, document damage/degradation, preservation, safety, security, standards


Digital conversion of cultural artefacts of all kinds has advanced rapidly in the past few years. People can explore many of the most known and popular artworks, artefacts, books, videos and sounds, etc. from all over the world via the Internet from the comfort of their living rooms. Despite this fact the exhibition of rare archival and valuable library documents still remains one of the most popular and significant way of presentation of this cultural heritage type to the broad public. On the other hand the exhibitions represent also the most possible cause and risk of their physical degradation if the climatic, handling and safety conditions during the exhibition are not properly adjusted and kept. Also the unsuitable conditions of their transport to and from the place of exhibition raise possibilities for their physical damage. The paper presents the main causes of possible damage and degradation of documents as well as some preservation precautions applied in order to minimise risk of their damage.


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How to Cite

Public Use of Rare Archives and Valuable Library Documents. (2016). Atlanti, 26(2), 225-232.